



During this walk, you will learn everything you need to know about Lviv! Why don’t we try to unravel the mystery of old Lviv together? Here you can still hear the noise of the medieval market, the sound of clinking glasses and various languages ​​in the Old City, get a peek at the life of Poles, Armenians, and Jews national communities, feel the imperial aristocratic spirit, and visit the meeting place of iconic Lviv artists. This tour is ideal for those who are discovering the spirit of Lviv for the first time, but already are ready to give it their hearts, as well as for those who have been to Lviv many times, but have never explored the city with a guide. It will be a walk through space and time… It’s going to be your personal date with the city of Lviv. For two hours our guide will reveal to you everything that could be hidden from an eye of an average tourist: - where the most delicious coffee on sand is made - where the river Poltva disappeared - why Lviv was called the city of 100 languages ​​and so much more Please contact us if you would like to attend the experience on a specific date that isn't available on the calendar. !!! FOR GROUPS and individuals: during COVID and WAR time we provide only individual experiences. If you are a solo traveler, please book "a private group" and we will provide this experience only for you.
This tour is both about culture and wine, about past and present of Ukraine and its wine scene. It takes place at VDNG – abbreviation of Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy in Soviet time or National Expocenter of Ukraine today. It's a grandiose complex of buildings and a park a bit away from the city center but easily reachable by taxi. It is also one of the biggest Christmas activities location in Kyiv. In the beginning, we will have a walk around the complex. You'll see its impressive architecture and learn some facts about its Soviet past and present history. At the point we'll also start talking about Ukrainian winemaking, which has a pretty long and interesting history, too. Then we'll proceed to a wine club based on VDNG territory for the tasting itself. The place is owned by one of the best Ukrainian winemakers, but other local wineries' wines are presented there, too. If you're hungry, you can also eat there. During the tasting you will learn more about the industry: about Ukrainian wine regions, the present state of its development, where else you should go, which wineries to visit, and so on. After the tour, you will get a PDF of my short guide around some interesting & tasty places to visit in Kyiv plus a list of wines you should try, and where to buy them.
Велосипед научил Эрнеста Хемингуэя путешествовать, подарил Лэнсу Армстронгу ощущение счастья и открыл всепрощение для Аль Пачино. Предлагаю вам открыть собственные неповторимые впечатления и познакомиться с уникальными местами на морском побережье в Одессе, которые зачастую спрятаны от путешественников. Я постараюсь чтобы у вас было чувство как будто вы отправились на прогулку в компании новых друзей. Вы готовы к открытиям? Тогда все что необходимо у нас есть. И я с удовольствием поделюсь с вами страстью к здоровому образу жизни, велосипедным прогулкам и свежему морскому воздуху. Остановившись по пути, я поделюсь некоторыми интересными рассказами. Пешеходная и велосипедная Трасса Здоровья протянулась вдоль морского побережья Одессы . Ее расстояние более 20 км. Мы же с вами увидим самые интересные участки морского побережья и Трассы Здоровья от набережной Немо и Ланжерона до внешней границы Аркадии. Расстояние нашей поездки около 7 км. Старт в самом центре Одессы - Александровский проспект на пересечении с улицей Бунина. Далее через парк Шевченко и спустимся к морю на набережную Немо где и начинается Трасса Здоровья. Вернемся в центр города. Время поездки около 3-4 х часов. We speak English.
A lot of surprises have been prepared for you in Lviv. And some of them are situated just underground. This time you are invited for having a walk through the underground Lviv… Does it already seem that you know every street and each cafe in Lviv? Then go down to the dungeon. Is the weather outside not good for walks? Go down to the dungeon. Tired of classic sightseeing tours? We say for the third time - go down to the dungeon! An extensive system of passages, tunnels, and basements is hidden under the streets of Lviv. Here the medieval spiritual orders were hiding their secrets, monks could seclude themselves or some old alchemical laboratories could be set up here, underground, as well. The dungeons still preserve this atmosphere and are ready to let you experience all of it. Come on, join me. Have a look at 3 main reasons to choose the tour "Lviv Undergrounds": - you will be able to see what Lviv looked like 300, 500, and even 700 years ago; - you will visit a real alchemist; - you will fill your energy reserves up with "fired" coffee Please contact me if you would like to attend the experience on a specific date that isn't available on the calendar. !!! FOR GROUPS and individuals: during COVID and WAR time we provide only individual experiences. If you are a solo traveler, please book "a private group" and we will provide this experience for you.
Наш тур The magic mud health spa bay Kujalnik -это туризм за пределы Одессы и пешая прогулка по историческим местам бальнеогрязевого курорта Куяльник , Жеваховой горе, рассказы о природе и истории, и пикник на лиманских склонах. Старт нашего тура в самом центре Одессы. В начале нашего тура мы проедем по Хабжибейской дороге. Этот район Одессы редко видят неискушенные туристы. Наш путь будет проходить вдоль маршрута уникального "Камышового" трамвая до его конечной остановки на берегу лимана Хабжибей в районе дамбы. Затем от "бельгийской" остановки через Одесскую объездную дорогу мы приедем на берег Куяльницкого лимана в районе бальнеогрязевого курорта Куяльник. Совершим пешеходную экскурсию по старинным корпусам санатория Куяльник. А может быть вы захотите пройтись по лечебной грязи на дне лимана? У нас будет достаточно времени и для этих процедур. Увидим источник минеральной воды. Мы поднимемся на Жевахову гору, имеющую античную историю. Cделаем паузу на небольшой пикник с вином . За бокалом местного вина мы побеседуем об истории этих мест. Другая важная информация Для участия в туре не надо специальной физической или


Не буду описывать все очень подробно поскольку животный мир увлекательный, а мир спорта зависит от способностей и достижений каждого. Но что вы получите наверняка - это незабываемые впечатления от общения с животными, невероятное самочувствие после тренировки или прогулки на лошади, массу удовольствия от их кормления и конечно же откроете для себя новые знания и сможете задать все интересующие вас вопросы касающиеся нашего рода деятельности.
Experience Kyiv Urbex Tour you will explore two objects: drain tunnel system or underground river and nuclear bunker During exploration of the hidden side of Kyiv with experienced guide you will go throw the tunnel system under streets and visit one of the forgotten cold war nuclear bunkers - Direct experience from Urbexer by Heart - Discover part of 53 km tunnel Labyrinth - Explore forgotten Cold War Era artefacts Are you ready for city adventures? This tour takes approximately 3 hours of your lifetime in active adventure. Other things to note The experience is NOT RECOMMENDED: - people suffering from claustrophobia - people who can not get into the usual manhole - people suffering from low back pain or back problems - people have excess weight or heart disease - people wha have more than 46 (EUR) feet size
War is terrible, but somehow it often inspires creativity – at least in Ukraine that’s always been a land of creators. Banksy started supporting Ukraine since the very beginning of full scale rzzn aggression, and he came here after liberation of Kyiv region from the #russianfastists to leave his marks at some of the most memorable places of the war. Welcome to my tour to see some of his works outside of Kyiv – and also see some of the places that were in the news. Yes, you’ll see ruins and places of terrible tragedies. But we will concentrate on art and creativity, giving hope for better future. In addition to Banksy works, we’ll also see graffities by French creator C215, by local artist as well as other unique art objects. The tour will give you a great impression of the latest events in Ukraine plus lots of photos and videos. Don't forget to charge your camera!
Мы встретимся в центре города и пойдем смотреть и фотографироваться, куда туристы, как правило, не ходят. Это очень красивые и необычные места, которые завоевывают сердце. Также мы можем покататься на киевском фуникулере, метро и трамвае. Мы сделаем все, что вдохновляет и оставляет незабываемые впечатления о городе. В конце прогулки, помимо впечатлений, у вас будут классные фотографии, которые будут напоминать вам об этом дне. Другая важная информация Если у тебя есть какие-либо вопросы, спроси меня, и я сразу же отвечу! Если хочешь фотографироваться где-нибудь еще, дай мне знать.
During this walk, you will learn everything you need to know about Lviv! Why don’t we try to unravel the mystery of old Lviv together? Here you can still hear the noise of the medieval market, the sound of clinking glasses and various languages ​​in the Old City, get a peek at the life of Poles, Armenians, and Jews national communities, feel the imperial aristocratic spirit, and visit the meeting place of iconic Lviv artists. This tour is ideal for those who are discovering the spirit of Lviv for the first time, but already are ready to give it their hearts, as well as for those who have been to Lviv many times, but have never explored the city with a guide. It will be a walk through space and time… It’s going to be your personal date with the city of Lviv. For two hours our guide will reveal to you everything that could be hidden from an eye of an average tourist: - where the most delicious coffee on sand is made - where the river Poltva disappeared - why Lviv was called the city of 100 languages ​​and so much more Please contact us if you would like to attend the experience on a specific date that isn't available on the calendar. !!! FOR GROUPS and individuals: during COVID and WAR time we provide only individual experiences. If you are a solo traveler, please book "a private group" and we will provide this experience only for you.
This tour is both about culture and wine, about past and present of Ukraine and its wine scene. It takes place at VDNG – abbreviation of Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy in Soviet time or National Expocenter of Ukraine today. It's a grandiose complex of buildings and a park a bit away from the city center but easily reachable by taxi. It is also one of the biggest Christmas activities location in Kyiv. In the beginning, we will have a walk around the complex. You'll see its impressive architecture and learn some facts about its Soviet past and present history. At the point we'll also start talking about Ukrainian winemaking, which has a pretty long and interesting history, too. Then we'll proceed to a wine club based on VDNG territory for the tasting itself. The place is owned by one of the best Ukrainian winemakers, but other local wineries' wines are presented there, too. If you're hungry, you can also eat there. During the tasting you will learn more about the industry: about Ukrainian wine regions, the present state of its development, where else you should go, which wineries to visit, and so on. After the tour, you will get a PDF of my short guide around some interesting & tasty places to visit in Kyiv plus a list of wines you should try, and where to buy them.
Львов- это город полный истории, красоты и уюта. В любую погоду вы сможете найти что-то в нем интересное и прочувствовать настроение города. Львов это тот город, который очень любит фотографироваться. Ваши фотографии на фоне красивой архитектуры и уютных улочек будут вас долго радовать и проводить в восторг ваших друзей и коллег. Во время нашей фотопрогулки мы будем гулять с вами не только по самым достопримечательным местам города но и пойдёт туда где ещё, возможно, вы не были. И где не будет много людей. Мы будем с вами общаться, прыгать и веселится)) для каждого моего фотогероя индивидуальный подход) даже если вы хотите фотосессию но стесняетесь или панически боитесь фотоаппарата, через пол часа от начала фотосессии мы с вами станет хорошими друзьями и все страхи уйдут)) Если мы устанем или замёрзнем, зайдём согреемся в кафе (если это будет возможно в ввиду карантинных ограничений). И продолжим нашу фотосессию))) Приветствуются яркие эмоции, искрение улыбки и вы, настоящие)) берегите себя и буду очень рада с вами пообщаться и пофотографировать вас))
Велосипед научил Эрнеста Хемингуэя путешествовать, подарил Лэнсу Армстронгу ощущение счастья и открыл всепрощение для Аль Пачино. Предлагаю вам открыть собственные неповторимые впечатления и познакомиться с уникальными местами на морском побережье в Одессе, которые зачастую спрятаны от путешественников. Я постараюсь чтобы у вас было чувство как будто вы отправились на прогулку в компании новых друзей. Вы готовы к открытиям? Тогда все что необходимо у нас есть. И я с удовольствием поделюсь с вами страстью к здоровому образу жизни, велосипедным прогулкам и свежему морскому воздуху. Остановившись по пути, я поделюсь некоторыми интересными рассказами. Пешеходная и велосипедная Трасса Здоровья протянулась вдоль морского побережья Одессы . Ее расстояние более 20 км. Мы же с вами увидим самые интересные участки морского побережья и Трассы Здоровья от набережной Немо и Ланжерона до внешней границы Аркадии. Расстояние нашей поездки около 7 км. Старт в самом центре Одессы - Александровский проспект на пересечении с улицей Бунина. Далее через парк Шевченко и спустимся к морю на набережную Немо где и начинается Трасса Здоровья. Вернемся в центр города. Время поездки около 3-4 х часов. We speak English.
Whatever happens out of the blue, the fact that today and tomorrow the metro is working, even despite the war, always brings some certainty into unpredictable life. Where to find the last not demolished Lenin of Kyiv Metro? Why Kyiv Underground did not become number 3, after London and Istanbul ones? Where to find the fossilised remains of ancient organisms in Kyiv metro? Why did some stations of Kyiv underground become ghost stations? Are the tunnels of Kyiv metro suitable for producing French cheese? How has the deepest metro station in the world been built? Metro “into nowhere” Learn this and much more about innovative engineering solutions, challenges and traditions of Kyiv underground. The most beautiful and most original Kyiv Metro stations. And no panic when hearing: “The doors are closing” because we will stay and enjoy learning about the most popular public transport in Kyiv. The tour can take up to 3 hrs depending on the train frequency on the day of a tour.
A lot of surprises have been prepared for you in Lviv. And some of them are situated just underground. This time you are invited for having a walk through the underground Lviv… Does it already seem that you know every street and each cafe in Lviv? Then go down to the dungeon. Is the weather outside not good for walks? Go down to the dungeon. Tired of classic sightseeing tours? We say for the third time - go down to the dungeon! An extensive system of passages, tunnels, and basements is hidden under the streets of Lviv. Here the medieval spiritual orders were hiding their secrets, monks could seclude themselves or some old alchemical laboratories could be set up here, underground, as well. The dungeons still preserve this atmosphere and are ready to let you experience all of it. Come on, join me. Have a look at 3 main reasons to choose the tour "Lviv Undergrounds": - you will be able to see what Lviv looked like 300, 500, and even 700 years ago; - you will visit a real alchemist; - you will fill your energy reserves up with "fired" coffee Please contact me if you would like to attend the experience on a specific date that isn't available on the calendar. !!! FOR GROUPS and individuals: during COVID and WAR time we provide only individual experiences. If you are a solo traveler, please book "a private group" and we will provide this experience for you.
Have your ever heard that Lviv was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List? Probably you want to know why? To understand it we will start our trip from the medieval historical center. On the Market Square we will talk about old traditions, you will see beautiful palaces and our Ratusha (City Hall). I will show 4 neighbourhoods of the old city and incredible churches. Such as Dominican Cathedral - one of the most remarkable sightings. Then we will walk through the original Armenian and Jewish quarters. You will see catholic and orthodox neighbourhoods. Let's discuss what peoples inhabited medieval Lviv, what professions they chose and how they coexisted with each other on the territory 800*900 meters. I will tell you stories about the colorful and most influential personalities of old Lviv. About traditions, customs, local legends and cuisine. Notice: contact me if you want to attend this experience on a specific date or time that is not available in the calendar. The main language for group experience is English. If you want to book a tour only in Ukrainian or Russian language please choose the option ‘book a privet tour’.
My hometown Kiev has a local Flea Market, where I’ll take you for unforgettable hunting for old Soviet USSR items & souvenirs. Highly recommended spot to visit. If you are traveling within Kiev flea market tour is really what you need to visit. It's the place where you can get old fashion and Post Soviet and unique items for yourself to take back to your country. Kiev's Flea Market crowded place with new sellers coming and going to and from The Flea Market all morning through the day time. I will be with you while the whole time helping to get the very nooks and croons, bargaining the sellers and getting the best ever deal for the good or item you wanna purchase. Lots of interesting things for purchasing - Clocks, Toys, Photo's, Soviet USSR military items, etc. Would be good to arrive around 8am-9am and spend around 2-3 hours. Important: The dates for visiting Flea Market is Friday, Saturday, Sunday weekly. If you are collectors of old items, or unique things like coins, stamps, paper money, watches, clocks, toys, books, antique items. . . etc. It's the exactly the location you should visit. . . you won't regret. Other things to note Would be good to contact ahead before your tour starts and agreed the time and the place you're comfortable with. Feel free to tell me your preference.
Most interesting places in Kyiv are usually hidden from the eye of passer-by. Or you should simply turn your head up in the right place. Dive into secret backyards of Kyiv, learn why janitors were playing an important role in the life of the city, eat Ukrainian pies in the most delicious (and not known by everybody) bakery, explore the beautiful well preserved architecture which is bordering the abandoned buildings. See the ruins of Kyiv behind the golden domes of the city. Enjoy the beauty of street art, turning grey walls into masterpiece. Discover secret and speak easy bars in Kyiv, hidden between old garages or buildings that are falling apart. See what is the life like behind Kyiv 5 star hotels. Find out beautiful ruination in Kyiv – the city of contrasts. Other things to note Food, drinks and transportation, entrance tickets (in case you decide to visit a paid spot) are not included. No cancellations because of a rain - we bring umbrellas;) Make sure not to come hungry;
Before the war, this tour was one of the most highly rated in Kyiv. One may say it’s still not time to drink wine. But wine businesses need to work, and we, Ukrainians, prefer to celebrate life even now. During this hard time we all try to do whatever we can for our victory, but we also try to make things working – finally, to be able to donate. Let me introduce you to Ukrainian winemaking and wines. While having this experience, we’ll make a walk through one of the most atmospheric and historical parts of Kyiv. I’ll show you some of its hidden gems and tell you where locals go. The main point is showing you the neighbourhood in a ‘not for tourists’ way. And I’ll be glad to tell you some interesting facts about rich and long past and fascinating present of Ukrainian winemaking. I’m pretty sure wines of our ‘old new world’ will be a sensation in the nearest future. We will round up the tour in a Ukrainian wine bar where you’ll be able to taste some of them – some of the best ones. The price of the tour does not include the tasting itself because it’s only up to you to decide what exactly and how many wines you want to try. I’ll be your guide, your sommelier and your companion in the tasting. After the tour I’ll send you a PDF with even more information – a guide you can use to go on learning more and tasting other local wines. Welcome to the experience!
You will get photos for yourself with you in the city landscapes with nicely looking backgrounds in hidden yards or in front of famous places in Kiev. I take into account your personal desires to create more interesting photos and city experience and I offer my photographer`s vision. You get all color-edited Photos downloadable in high resolution and 10 photos in retouch. I will contact you the day before the photo walk and you will be informed where we meet. How to understand that you meet me? - I will be in contact with you all the time before meeting. If you have some more ideas, please inform me beforehand.