
Login notifications

There’s activity on your Airbnb account, but the question is: Is it you?  

Whenever your account is accessed using an unfamiliar browser or device, you’ll receive a login notification via email telling you:

  • What browser or device was used
  • What time it was 
  • Where it was accessed from

If it was you, no problem! If it wasn’t, you’ll know to check your account for unauthorized activity.  



  • help_center_platform.home.guest

    How do I use Sign in with Apple on Airbnb?

    Instead of entering a password, this feature lets you use Face ID or Touch ID to log in. It’s only available for new accounts.
  • Setting up your account

    You’ve logged in, but you need to edit your account. Where do you go? Here’s how to update your profile, manage notification settings, and m…