
Maintaining Superhost status

Being a Superhost is kind of a big deal around here—in fact, we take the time to evaluate it 4 times a year.

During each assessment period, we’ll find out if a Host has hit all the requirements within the past year. If so, they’ll continue rocking it as Superhosts, or they’ll become one if they’re not already. If they miss a requirement, they’ll lose the title.

Learn how to track your Superhost status. Want to find out where you stand? Go directly to your stats now.



  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    About Superhosts

    Superhost listings include a badge, which Hosts earn by meeting certain criteria that exemplifies what it means to be a Host.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    Tracking your Superhost status

    Go to your host dashboard to track how you’re doing for each of the Superhost requirements.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    How to become a Superhost

    You don’t need to apply to become a Superhost. If you meet the program requirements on the quarterly assessment date, you'll qualify for Sup…