
Change your payment currency

Airbnb supports a number of different currencies to give you more flexibility when you stay with us. The prices on Airbnb will show in your default currency, which you can change at any time.

Set your default payment currency

  1. Next to your profile photo, click the globe 
  2. Click Currency and select your desired currency

Edit the currency when paying for a reservation

You can also change your currency when booking a reservation. Under Price details, click or tap the currency next to your total to change your selection.

Note: If there are restrictions on the currency at the time of payment, you may need to update your currency. Learn more about supported currencies.

Edit the currency for upcoming payments

If you have an upcoming reservation with payments scheduled for future dates, such as a longer stay, you can change the currency for the scheduled future payments. To do this:

  1. Go to Trips and select the reservation
  2. Under Payment info, click Get receipts and manage payments
  3. Under Scheduled payments, click Edit payment details
  4. Click the currency next to your total to change your selection

Payout currencies for Hosts

You choose the currency of your payouts when setting up your payout method. You can always change the currency of your prices by managing your price settings.



  • help_center_platform.home.guest

    Supported currencies

    We support many different currencies and ways to pay. Learn more about them and potential fees associated with your choice.
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    Change your payout currency

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