
Booking split stays

Split stays allow you to split longer stays between 2 different listings. Each split stay pairs 2 consecutive stays for the span of your dates, allowing you to explore different listings, neighborhoods, or even different destinations, during your trip.

Where split stays appear

When searching for a stay with dates of a week or more, split stays automatically appear at the end of your search results in the All listings category if there are less than 300 listings that meet your search criteria. Just scroll down to see a range of options to split your trip between 2 listings that are relatively close to each other.

You can also find split stays when browsing 14 different categories including Camping, Design, National Parks, Skiing, Surfing, Tropical, and more. These pairings let you enjoy similar properties or similar activities in 2 different locations.

How split stays work

Split stays will present you with options to split your trip between 2 separate listings (ex: one week in the first listing and the next week in the second listing). Here are some things to know:

  • Split stays will show up in your search results based on the dates that you’ve entered. The pairing process is completely automatic.
  • Split stays are limited to pairing 2 consecutive stays. The checkout date for the first stay will be the same as the check-in date for your second stay.
  • Split stays will only show listings that match any filter selections you may have specified (price, number of bedrooms, amenities, etc.)
  • Split stays are identified on the map with a unique icon and an animated arc connecting the 2 listings. So you’ll be able to see where both listings are and know which stay is your first of the 2.

Book a split stay

    1. Find a split stay under One trip, two stays in your search results
    2. Click each of the 2 listings presented to find the details of each listing
    3. Click either of the listings and start the checkout process
    4. Complete the checkout process for the first listing
    5. Once that listing is reserved, you’ll be guided to complete the second listing

    Booking only one listing

    If you only want to book one of the listings in the stay, you can complete the checkout for one of the listings and then exit the checkout for the other listing. The first listing will remain reserved under your account. You can then choose to search for alternative listings for your remaining dates.

    Split stays do not allow you to edit the dates during the checkout process. If you want to edit the dates, you can open that listing separately, adjust those dates, and book that listing separately as you normally would. You’ll be removed from the split stay option.

    After you book a split stay

    • Each listing in a split stay is a separate reservation and will show up as 2 sequential trips in your Trips tab.
    • If you change your mind, you can cancel one or both reservations, but the cancellation policy specific to each listing will apply.
    • Each listing in a split stay has a separate Host, and you’ll need to communicate with each Host separately for each listing in the split stay.


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