Community policy

Helping to keep our community healthy

As our community travels the world and welcomes global citizens into their spaces, it’s important to try and reduce disease transmission.

What we do allow

  • Accommodating unavoidable mild illness: If a Host or guest has a mild illness, but must continue to host or travel, they must take precautionary measures when staying in a space shared with other community members.

What we don’t allow

  • Exposure and risk of exposure to severe contagious diseases: Any individuals who have been diagnosed with, exposed to, and/or are showing symptoms of a contagious disease should not interact with other community members in the context of a reservation. Temporary restrictions may be applied on listings and accounts presenting a risk of contagion.
  • Failure to follow public health directives: All guests and Hosts must follow social distancing guidelines and wear appropriate safety attire in line with public health guidelines for infectious diseases (ex: COVID-19) when in common areas or in the presence of those outside their traveling group.
  • Failure to properly clean: Hosts must follow Airbnb’s 5-step enhanced cleaning process.

Learn more about our Quarantine and Isolation Stays PolicyHealth and safety requirements for Airbnb stays, and Health and safety guidelines for Experience guests.

We're here to help

If you witness or experience behavior that goes against our policies, please let us know.

While these guidelines don’t cover every possible scenario, they’re designed to offer general guidance on Airbnb’s community policies.


