
Change your cancellation policy

Want to offer guests more flexibility? Or maybe you’d like a little more protection against cancellations? Either way, it’s easy to change your cancellation policy once you decide on one that works for you.

Change your cancellation policy

  1. Click Listings and select the listing you want to edit
  2. Under Listing editor, click Your space
  3. Click Cancellation policy
  4. Next to your policy, click Edit
  5. Make your selection and then click Save

What happens to the cancellation policy for existing reservations when you make a change

Any changes you make to your cancellation policy will only apply to future reservations and won’t affect any pending or confirmed reservations. The cancellation policy that was set when you received a reservation will still apply to that reservation.



  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    Cancellation policies for your listing

    The right cancellation policy depends on you and your listing. You can choose a flexible, moderate, firm, or strict cancellation policy.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    Offer a non-refundable option

    Hosts can choose to offer a non-refundable option—guests get a discount off the base price and Hosts keep their entire payout if a guest can…
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    Find your Host's cancellation policy

    The amount of any refund depends on the Host’s cancellation policy and the time and date you cancel.