
Report suspicious messages

Take down the scammers by reporting any suspicious messages. You’ll be helping keep the whole Airbnb community safe from phishing and scams.

Be safe, and only communicate, book, and pay through Airbnb. If you get a suspicious message, let us know by contacting us or flagging it.

To report a message

Report a message on desktop

  1. Go to Messages and select the conversation you want to report
  2. In the message, click the three dots icon
  3. Click Report this message
  4. Select the reason you're reporting the message and click Ok
  5. Give further details (if required), and then click Submit

For most of the reasons, you'll have the option to block the person from messaging you again.



  • help_center_platform.home.guest

    Reporting and blocking

    Select the conversation with the person you want to report or block and follow the instructions.
  • help_center_platform.home.guest

    Avoiding fraud, scams, and abuse

    We take steps to protect Airbnb's platform's integrity and mitigate the risks and losses associated with fraud, scams, and abuse by taking a…
  • help_center_platform.home.guest

    How do I know if an email or website is really from Airbnb?

    Fraudulent emails and websites often have an urgent tone and threaten account suspension. When in doubt, start at the Airbnb home page.