
How do I create and manage task reports?

If a team member encounters an issue while performing a task (ex: finding out that amenities are missing or items are broken), they can let the team know by creating a task report. Reports can only be created for tasks that have been started.

To create a report:

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app) and go to Tasks 
  2. Go to Tasks > My tasks
  3. Click or tap on the task that you want to submit a report for
  4. Within the task view, click or tap Send a report
  5. Select a report category
  6. Fill in all the necessary information and click Submit

You can now see your submitted report in the task view, and team members will now find the report under Reports.

To manage reports (for members with permissions beyond “Tasks”):

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app) and go to Tasks 
  2. Go to Tasks > Reports
  3. Click or tap on the report that you want to manage
  4. Click or tap Resolve if the issue doesn’t require follow-up action and is solved

Click or tap New task if assistance is needed and you want to create a new task for the issue to be solved.



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