Community policy
Experience Host

What are the requirements specific to online experiences?

Like in-person experiences, online experiences must meet the quality standards and requirements for Airbnb Experiences. Additionally, every online experience must meet the following requirements in order to be published and remain on Airbnb.

Tip: We typically publish experiences that have demonstrated a high level of differentiation, or stand out from existing experiences on Airbnb.

Listing requirements

Online experiences must happen live for guests and not be pre-recorded.

Online experiences must be designed for “doing” and not just “watching.” The “What We’ll Do” section should describe how guests will interact with the host.

Guests must be able to participate in the experience from home. Guests should not need to leave their home at any point during the experience.

All required supplies must be disclosed to the guest before they book. If the experience requires any supplies, these should be clearly & specifically detailed on your page, so guests know how to prepare.

Certain services - such as photo shoots, event planning, and medical counseling - are not permitted as online experiences.

Certain specialized activities are not permitted as online experiences. This includes, but is not limited to, driving, boating, flying, scuba diving, paragliding, rock climbing, off-roading, or the use of projectile weapons.

Experiences previously published on Airbnb can't be converted to an online experience. If you want to adjust your in-person experience to offer it online, you must submit a new experience, so that it can be reviewed by Airbnb. Make sure to select Experience type: online experience when you’re submitting.

All online experiences submissions also require a video recording that highlights key elements of the experience for review. Each online experience video will be reviewed for the following:

  • High quality audio and video
  • Clear outline and structure
  • Strong introduction—outlining your expertise, passion, and goals for the experience
  • Quality and depth of guest participation, interaction, and engagement
  • Demonstration of key elements—learnings, highlights, and takeaways

Hosting requirements

Use Zoom appropriately. When using Zoom, hosts should not (1) use their Airbnb-provided Zoom account for anything other than hosting their experience, (2) record (including audio or video) live experience sessions, or (3) take or share photos or screenshots without participant permission. Hosts may not take or share any photos or screenshots when children are in attendance, regardless of whether they have permission. There are no exceptions. Read more about hosting an online experience.

Be prepared for late guests. When guests are late, hosts may disallow guests from entering the Zoom meeting or allow guests to enter even though the experience has already started. Guests won't be able to receive a refund according to our Experiences Guest Refund Policy, but will still be able to leave a review. Hosts will also be able to leave a public response to any guest review.

Hosting an online experience

When hosting an online experience, hosts may not:

  • Collect, ask, or encourage guests to reveal personally identifying or contact information (ex: email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses/locations)
  • Discuss, ask, or encourage others to discuss health information (ex: whether they’ve been tested for COVID, if someone in their family is sick, etc.)
  • Target children as the audience for their experience, or use a child as a host or co-host of the experience
  • Allow a minor (under the age of 18) to attend the experience without a parent or guardian present

Online experiences that don’t meet any of the above requirements may be removed from Airbnb.

These requirements may be updated as we continue to adapt to the circumstances of each region.


