Experience Host

Additional documentation needed to co-host an Airbnb Experience

Like the primary Host, every Co-Host must meet our Experiences standards and requirements. Once invited to host or manage an Experience, you’ll need to submit your ID for verification.

Co-Hosts and assistants will also need to agree to the Additional Terms for Experience Hosts.

Participating in specialized activities

If you’re a Co-Host and you’re participating in anything specialized (ex: driving, boating, or flying), you’ll receive an email from Evident to verify that you’re sufficiently qualified.

Evident is an external company that verifies license and insurance documents for high-risk activities. If they contact you, you’ll need to submit your valid license and/or proof of insurance before you can co-host.

The primary Host is responsible for the Experience, but it’s also your individual responsibility to follow laws and regulations. Neither Evident nor Airbnb can check that your Experience complies with local laws, so be sure you’re up to date.

Verifying your ID

If you didn’t pass the verification, it means your documents didn’t meet the standards that Evident and Airbnb require. You can resubmit, so check that you have the right documents and that they haven’t expired.

If Evident was unable to process your documents for some other reason, they will contact you.

Contacting Evident

Contact Evident or check your application status on their website.



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