
Responsible hosting in Chile

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The Airbnb community is incredibly diverse and includes millions of inhabitants of practically all corners of the planet with the commitment of building a world where people of any origin may feel welcome without regard to how far they are from their home. This commitment is based on two fundamental principles that apply to hosts and guests using the Airbnb platform: inclusion and respect.

On this page, you'll find important information you should consider and may share with your guests, in addition to various guides created by the Government of Chile (Undersecretariat of Tourism, National Tourism Service, the Ministry of HealthChilean National Office for Emergency, Undersecretariat of Crime Prevention and the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels) with regards to best practices on safety, COVID-19 mitigation, security, and recommendations on how to act upon natural disasters.

Such information will help you:

  • Rely on tools that help your guests enjoy their stay to the fullest and have the necessary information for a safe stay; and
  • Have a general vision of the different laws and regulations that may affect you, in addition to your becoming familiar with your obligations.

We recommend hosts to further investigate for themselves because this page may not include all of the information available and shall not be construed as legal or attorney advice, in as far it is not updated in real time; therefore, hosts shall check their sources and make sure that the information provided has not recently changed.

Moreover, you should be aware that local governments in your jurisdiction are issuing health and safety guidelines which may include mandatory cleaning protocols and social distancing guidelines. You should check local guidelines that may have been issued by your local government and health authority, and ensure that you comply with these. This responsible hosting page includes information about health and safety guidelines but these may not be up to date and you should always check with your local authority.

    Regulations and permits

    It's important that you make sure that you can share your space; sometimes there are restrictions in contracts, laws, and co-ownership regulations that don't allow it. We recommend you request advice from a specialized professional or local authorities in order to obtain more information regarding regulations, restrictions, and obligations that apply to you.

    You can use the general information in this article as a starting point regarding the regulations and permits necessary for hosting.

    Contracts and permits

    • Sometimes, contracts and co-ownership regulations include restrictions that do not allow space sharing.
    • It's important that you check any contract executed by you or your contacting landlord, the building’s administration committee, or the relevant authority.
      • In the end, and upon specific circumstances, it may be possible that you may modify your contract (upon prior agreement with the landlord) in order to add a schedule to the contract that enables the clarification of any possible doubt, in addition to determining the responsibilities and obligations of all parties in this context.

    Mortgage restrictions

    • If your property has a mortgage (or is subject to any form of loan), contact the lending entity to make sure that there are no restrictions that forbid your sharing of space.

    Shared housing

    • Help your housemates get an idea of what they should expect if you share your own home.
    • You may execute a formal contract with them whereby you indicate the rights and obligations of all parties. The contract may include:
      • Issues such as the frequency you plan to host and what you will do to guarantee compliance with house rules; and
      • If you will share revenue obtained through this activity, amongst other issues.

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    Register with SERNATUR

    The National Service of Tourism of Chile (SERNATUR) has a National Registry of Classification of Providers of Tourist Services, and registration with such authority shall be made through the Internet and is free.

    For more information thereof and to know if it applies to you, you may check with the Servicio Nacional de Turismo and check the Sernatur Step by Step Guide for the Registry of Providers of Tourist Services.

    The Registry includes the following categories of service providers of tourist accommodations*:

    1. Hostels or auberges;
    2. Bed & Breakfast or family accommodations;
    3. Apart-hotels;
    4. Campsite or camping area;
    5. Lodge or nature tourism center;
    6. Estates or farms;
    7. Tourist complex or resorts;
    8. Tourist and/or business apartments**;
    9. Residential spaces;
    10. Inns [Hosterías];
    11. Boutique Hotels;
    12. Hotels;
    13. Cabins; and
    14. Thermal springs.

    The definitions of each one of the categories indicated above may be checked in Chilean Norm No. 2760 “Classification, qualification and terminology of tourist accommodation premises” (NCh2760:2013**).

    If you fall within one of the categories indicated above, we suggest your registering with Sernatur and, after obtaining your register number, you shall include it in the listing of your space in our platform in the “Sernatur Register Number” field.

    * The definition of tourist accommodation services is in Section 5, subsection h) of Law No. 20,423/2010 of the Institutional System for Tourism Development (available for reference) and in Section 3, subsection a) of Decree No. 19/2019 that approves the Rules for the Application of the System for the Classification, Quality and Security of Tourist Service Providers.

    ** As per section 3.1.8 of NCh 2760:2013, a tourist and/or business apartment is such “premise that provides tourist accommodation service in apartment type dwelling units; such shall be furnished and principally destined for recreational, vacationa or business tourists, and may be located in the same building or in different buildings under central management. They shall have, at least, reception services during the times agreed with the client and its own or agreed cleaning services”.

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    National tax

    Tax is a complex topic. Your own tax obligations can vary based on your particular circumstances, so we recommend that you research your obligations or consult a tax professional to get more specific information.

    In general, the money you earn as a host on Airbnb is considered taxable income which may be subject to different taxes like rental tax, income tax, or VAT.

    Free tax guide

    We want to make it easy for you to understand your tax responsibilities as a host on Airbnb, so we’ve partnered with an independent third-party accounting firm to provide a free tax guide (available in Spanish and English) that covers general tax information in Chile.

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    Security (for hosts and guests)

    Security of our hosts and their guests is one of our principal priorities. In order to contribute to your guest’s tranquility, you may leave them instructions with useful information for cases of emergency or warn them of any possible risk.

    Recommendations from the Government of Chile

    The Undersecretary for the Prevention of Crime of the Government of Chile has created the “Guide for a peaceful stay” that includes useful self-care advice so as to avoid illegal acts within the public space, in addition to police contact information and other relevant services for tourists.

    According to the Undersecretary, the recommendations in order to peacefully walk around the city are the following:

    • In the street, only carry necessary items and stay alert to your belongings.
    • Do not talk on mobile phone in areas that are poorly lit or crowded.
    • Always exchange your money in business premises, never in the street.
    • If you take a taxi, check that the taximeter works and demand the receipt. From the airport, chose an official transport.
    • When purchasing with a credit card or transferring money from an ATM, do not lose sight of your card and type in your password in a discrete manner.
    • Avoid illegal street trade. Purchase in formal stores, protect your rights and guarantee the quality of products.
    • If you are the victim of a crime, keep calm and contact the Carabineers (133) or the Investigative Police (134)

    Moreover, below, you will find guides with recommendations of the National Office of Emergency of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (ONEMI, as per its acronym in Spanish) during the winter, frosts and in situations of natural disasters:

    You can learn more about ONEMI recommendations.

    Contact information for emergencies

    • Provide a contact list with the following telephone numbers:
      • Local emergency services:
        • SAMU (Ambulance): 131
        • Firefighters: 132
        • Carabineers: 133
        • Investigative Police: 134
      • Nearest hospital
      • Your contact number
      • A second contact number (in the case guests cannot reach you)
    • Make sure guests know the best way of contacting you in the case of an emergency.
      • Communicating with them through the Airbnb message system is always a safe alternative.

    First-aid kit

    • Make sure that the space you share has a first-aid kit and indicate your guests where it is located.
    • Regularly check that the first-aid kit has all necessary items and restock any used supplies.

    Emergency exits

    • Make sure to clearly indicate escape routes in the case of fire.
    • Provide a map with the evacuation route where guests can easily see it.
    • According to current law, the building’s administration committee is responsible for preparing an emergency plan for accidents, such as fires, earthquakes and similar situations that includes steps to take before, during, and after the accident, with a special emphasis as to evacuation during fires.

    Risk prevention

    • Take a look at your space so as to identify any areas where guests may trip or fall.
    • Remove any elements that may imply a risk, or clearly indicate it.
    • Remove any cables that are in sight.
    • Make sure that stairs are safe and have handrails.
    • Remove or keep any objects that may be dangerous for your guests locked away.


    • When you turn on the light or use an electrical appliance, make sure your hands are not wet.
    • An appliance should never be unplugged by pulling from its cable because this may cause a fire.
    • Socket extensions are dangerous if left within the reach of children.
    • Any repair to an electrical system shall be made by an expert with a license of the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (“SEC”) in Chile.
    • Verify that all electrical and fuel operated products in the space that you share have the SEC certification.
    • Remember not to overload socket extensions.
    • Make sure that all electrical household appliances of your accommodation are installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and comply with all security regulations applicable to your area.
    • Remember that most electrical household appliances shall be installed by a professional.
    • In the case of an emergency, select a meeting point at a safe distance from your accommodation where guests may get together in the case a fire occurs.

    Moreover, you can check for advice on to the use of electricity the following videos from the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels of Chile (SEC):

    Gas detection and fire prevention

    Below, we provide some advice that may help you prevent accidents arising from gas or fuel manipulation in the space you share:

    • If you have gas appliances, make sure they comply with the current security regulations and that you have installed a carbon monoxide detector that works properly.
    • Provide a fire extinguisher and remember to check it regularly.
    • Call your gas company if you smell gas, whether within or without the space you share. Natural gas has no smell, but an odor is mixed with the gas in order to help detect gas leaks.
    • Call your public services company if you notice something is out of the ordinary and that may turn into a dangerous situation.
    • Do not light matches or create certain sparks near a place where you smell natural gas.
    • Regularly check your gas operated devices in order to rule out any unusual conditions such as the production of soot or a yellow big and erratic flame of the burner.
    • If you become aware of any of such unusual conditions, or any other, contact an authorized heating company.
    • Have technical support check devices at least once a year.
    • You and all of your family must know the location of the general shut-off valve of your gas facilities.
    • Quickly close the general shut-off valve in the case of an emergency.
    • Do not allow amateurs or personnel with undue training and certification to touch or handle the gas facility.
    • Do not handle or install, on your own, gas operated devices, ventilation devices, injector or ejectors that modify the movement and circulation of air masses.
    • We clearly urge hosts not to affect such installation or do such handling on their own. Handling of such elements shall be effected by a person or entity authorized by the SEC and upon prior notice to the manager or the one taking its place, as applicable. Noncompliance thereof may result in fines for the landlord or occupant.

    For more information, you may check:

      Instructions in case of detecting the smell of gas

      In the case you detect the smell of gas, follow the follow instructions:

        • Do not operate any switch nor turn on any electrical appliances.
        • Do not light matches or burners and do not smoke.
        • Open doors and windows so that the space is ventilated.
        • Close all gas operated devices’ controls and the general shut-off valve.
        • Do not reopen the general shut-off valve until the gas facility or the broken devices have been repaired.

        Handling of gas cylinders

        In the case that in the space you share there are gas cylinders, we suggest your taking into account the following instructions:

        • Cylinder changes shall always be made with a closed cylinder head, in order to minimize the quantity of gas being released into the atmosphere.
        • Cylinder changes shall never be made near sources of heat or fire, such as burners, cigars or heaters.
        • Propane and butane gas are heavier than air, therefore, both full and empty cylinders shall always be placed in a vertical position.
        • If a gas leak occurs, you shall not open or close any electrical circuit because they may cause shocks that could start a fire or result in an explosion.

        Child safety

        Some guests travel with children and need to know if your accommodation is suitable for them.

        • You can use the Additional notes section, within Details in the listing of your Airbnb account, in order to indicate any possible risks or explain that your accommodation is not suitable for children or babies.

        Climate control

        The correct functioning of appliances, such as heaters or air conditioner devices is essential because it can greatly affect your guests’ stay. There are many ways you can make sure your guests feel comfortable:

        • Make sure that your accommodation is properly ventilated.
        • Indicate how to use the heater and air conditioner properly.
        • Check that the thermostat is working properly and make sure that guests know where it is located.
        • Check appliances regularly.

        Guest limit

        Determine a guest limit in the space you share in order to guarantee safety therein.

        • The building’s management committee may have certain regulations governing such matters.

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        Civic virtue

        Part of being a responsible host consists in helping your guests understand the best way of interacting with your community. By explaining local regulations and customs to your guests, you are contributing to the creation of a great experience for everyone.

        Building regulations

        • If your building has common spaces or shared amenities amongst all residents, inform your guests of the regulations that they must obey in the case they have access thereto.

        House regulations

        • You can include house regulations in the Additional notes section within Details in the listing of your Airbnb account.
          • Guests usually appreciate your informing them what you expect of them before their arrival.


        • Your informing your neighbors that you are planning to share your space is highly recommended.
          • This will give them the chance to let you know if they have any objection or if there is any matter you should consider.


        • Let your guests know beforehand that noise may bother your neighbors.
        • If you are concerned that, during their stay, your guests may disturb neighbors, you can avoid their making excessive noise in different ways:
          • Determine a quiet hours policy.
          • Check applicable local regulations in each case. Specific regulations determined by Local Ordinances may exist.
          • Do not allow the presence of pets.
          • Indicate that your accommodation is not suitable for children nor babies.
          • Prohibit parties and additional unregistered guests.


        • Communicate any parking regulations of your building and neighborhood to your guests.


        • Check your co-ownership regulations in order to make sure that there are no restrictions regarding pets.
        • If you allow guests to bring in their pets, they will appreciate your indicating the proper places to walk them and where they may dispose their waste.
        • You may also offer alternative options, as may be necessary, such as a nearby pet kennel, in the case a guest’s pet disturbs the neighbors.



        • If you do not allow smoking within the accommodation, we suggest your posting signs to remind guests thereof.
        • If they may smoke, provide ashtrays for their use in the areas where they may do so.
        • In addition, we suggest your checking the condo or building regulations because tobacco consumption restrictions may exist in public spaces.

        Recommendations of the Undersecretary of Tourism of Chile

        Recommendations of theUndersecretary of Tourism of Chile include the following:

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        Talk to your insurance company or carrier to determine what type of obligations, limits and coverage you need according to your particular circumstances.

        Host damage protection and Host liability insurance

        AirCover for Hosts includes Host damage protection and Host liability insurance, which provide you with basic coverage for listed damages and liabilities. However, these don’t take the place of homeowner's insurance, renter's insurance, or adequate liability coverage. You might need to meet other insurance requirements as well.

        We strongly encourage all Hosts to review and understand the terms of their insurance policy coverage. Not all insurance plans will cover damage or loss of property caused by a guest who books your accommodation.

        Learn more about AirCover for Hosts.

        Liability and basic coverage

        Review your homeowner’s or renter’s policy with your insurance agent or carrier to make sure your listing has adequate liability coverage and property protection.

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        Additional useful information for hosts

        Check the frequent questions for hosts in order to obtain more information about how to host in premises offered through Airbnb.

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        • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

          VAT collection and remittance in Chile

          Services provided by Airbnb are subject to VAT in Chile. These new rules took effect in June 2020.
        • Help with billing

          Here’s info on where to find reports, how to add to invoices, and how to charge a trip to the company.