
Create and edit rule-sets

If you use professional hosting tools you can create and edit rule-sets on a single listing calendar or on your multi-calendar. Learn more about how rule-sets work.

Create a new rule-set

Once you have created and saved a rule-set, you can apply it to any dates on a single listing calendar or across dates on your multi-calendar.

Create a rule-set on desktop

  1. Click Calendar and select the dates you’d like to apply a rule-set to
  2. Go to Rule-sets and click Add rule-set
  3. Name the rule-set and choose a color to represent it on your calendar
  4. Set any pricing discounts, availability requirements, and promotions
  5. Click Save

Edit an existing rule-set

Edit a rule-set on desktop

  1. Click Calendar and select a date with the rule-set you want to edit
  2. Go to the rule-set and click Edit
  3. Make your changes and click Save

Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.



  • How do I create and edit rule-sets? (Video Transcript)

    VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Hosts using professional hosting tools can create and edit rule-sets in their multi-calendar.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    How rule-sets work

    Once you apply a rule-set to a listing, it will override existing pricing and availability settings you’ve set for those dates.
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