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This article provides specific information about local laws that apply to people who host their homes in Davos. Just like our country article for Switzerland, it’s your responsibility to verify and comply with any obligations that apply to you as a host. This article can serve as a starting point or place you can come back to if you have questions but it isn’t exhaustive and it doesn’t constitute legal or tax advice. It’s a good idea to check to make sure laws and procedures are current.

Some of the laws that might affect you are complicated. Contact the Davos municipality directly or consult a local authority, such as an attorney or tax professional, if you have questions.

Registration obligations

Since March 2021, every accommodation provider in Davos is obliged to apply for a registration number (object number) at Davos Destinations Organization before the first taxable overnight stay takes place. The registration number must always be displayed in offers and advertisements for the respective accommodation, especially online. Hosts are encouraged to use a dedicated form field to display the registration number if the online platform that is used to promote the accommodation provides such a field. The official implementation regulations can be found here.

Find further information about the registration obligations (in English and German), and get the registration form of Davos Destinations Organization (available in English and German).

If you have questions about the registration obligations you can contact the Davos Guest Tax Department via email at and telephone +41 81 415 21 52.

Hosts on Airbnb can add the registration number in the Host dashboard to ensure it is displayed in their listing.

To enter the registration number for your Airbnb listings, please follow these steps: navigate to your Listings tab, click on the listing, go to Policies and Rules and enter your registration number below Laws and Regulations under Regulations. If you have several listings in Davos, please repeat the process for each of your listings.

Reporting obligation

As a host or operator, you’re obligated to report the arrivals and departures of your guests to Davos Tourismus within 24 hours online or at the official DESTINATION DAVOS KLOSTERS info points. You are also generally obliged to register with the municipality if you are offering overnight accommodation for payment.

Regional taxes

The guest tax law of the municipality of Davos was approved by the government of the Canton of Grisons and went into effect on May 1, 2006.

Tax basis

The guest tax is charged to every guest who stays overnight in Davos and is not a resident for tax purposes.

Different rates apply to guests of group accommodation, holiday homes, children's homes, campsites, and tent camps including individual tents, and remote mountain huts. Any type of accommodation that isn’t listed assumes the closest category.

Guest tax rates

The ordinary tax rates according to Art. 7 of the Guest Tax Act are CHF 5.90 per night in both winter and summer. Check the rate sheet for more detailed information.


As a host, it’s your responsibility to collect and remit the applicable guest taxes from all taxable persons and keep accurate books of the taxes collected. You share joint liability with your guests for the guest tax.

Guest cards

As a result of the tax, Destination Davos Klosters offers a guest card for visitors who stay with registered hosts. It provides various discounts and free public transportation.

As a host, you’ll need to give the guest card to your guests. You can check Destination Davos Klosters’s website, or contact them directly for more information:

  • Information & Gästeberatung Davos Platz, Talstrasse 41, 7270 Davos Platz


Violations of the Davos’ guest tax law may result in a fine from the head of the municipal tax administration that range from CHF 50 to 10,000.
