
Security deposits

Hosts aren’t allowed to charge guests a security deposit through our Resolution Center or outside the Airbnb platform. Instead, we inform guests at the time of booking that their payment method may be charged if they cause damage during a stay.

There is one exception: Hosts who manage their listings with API-connected software can set a security deposit using our offline fees feature. If a Host has done this, the deposit requirements will be clearly communicated during the booking process.

Damage reimbursements without a security deposit

If a guest, someone they invite, or a pet causes damage during a stay, the Host can request reimbursement from the guest through our Resolution Center. If Airbnb gets involved and determines that the guest was responsible, the guest’s payment method may be charged.

If you're a guest, learn more about what to do if they cause damage here. If you're a Host, learn more about how to request reimbursement for damage, missing items, and unexpected cleaning here.



  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host

    Managing listings with API-connected software

    If the team owner account manages Airbnb listings through API-connected software, the software can be used to manage listings created by the…
  • help_center_platform.home.guest

    Collecting fees outside Airbnb

    Generally, hosts may not collect any additional fees or charges outside the Airbnb platform unless expressly authorized by Airbnb.
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    Who can have an Airbnb account

    Individuals who threaten or pose a safety risk to others have no place in our community.