
Weekly and monthly discounts

Longer stays often mean higher occupancy, lower turnover, and less work for you. To attract guests who prefer a longer stay, you can offer discounts on a weekly (7 or more nights) or monthly (28 or more nights) basis.

    How discounts are displayed in search results

    Discounts of 10% or more will be displayed in search results, and all discounts will be highlighted next to your original price in the price breakdown on your listing. After the discount is applied, your minimum daily price must be at least $10 per day.

    Set weekly, monthly, and other length-based discounts

      Set discount pricing on desktop

      1. Click Calendar and select the listing calendar you want to change
      2. Click Pricing, then click Discounts
      3. Choose Weekly, Monthly, or Trip length discounts
      4. Enter your discount percentage and click Save


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        Getting started with monthly stays

        Encouraging guests to book longer stays could help you achieve higher occupancy with lower guest turnover and a more predictable income.
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        Set and customize nightly pricing

        Edit your listing to manage your nightly price. Any changes you make will only apply to future reservations.
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        Create a custom promotion

        You can create a custom promotion for eligible listings to drive bookings.