Community policy

What’s expected of Hosts and their stays

Every Host should meet these basic standards so that their guests have a comfortable, reliable experience.

What we don’t allow

  • Hosting without permission and/or the appropriate licenses: Airbnb requires that all Hosts be authorized to host, and that Hosts comply with all applicable laws.
  • Unreliable communication: Hosts should be responsive and willing to answer questions within a reasonable amount of time from guests or Airbnb and follow any necessary steps from Airbnb to fix issues.
  • Inaccurate listings: A Host’s property, location, listing type, privacy levels, and amenities should accurately reflect what was written in the listing description at the time of booking. Hosts may only adjust details for an accepted booking after guest consent.
  • Unsecure stays: Hosts must ensure that every stay is able to be secured at the main entrance, and keys or access codes should be provided for all main points of entry.
  • Unreliable check-ins: Hosts must provide guests with the right information to access their stay at check-in (ex: proper access codes, clear directions). Hosts that plan to meet guests at check-in must ensure that they’re present at the agreed upon time. The use of lockboxes or entry codes must remain secure (ex: change codes in between reservations).
  • Unclean stays: A Host’s property must be free of known health hazards (ex: mold, pests, vermin), meet a high standard of cleanliness, and be cleaned between stays.
  • Unsafe stays: Hosts must ensure that stays or Experiences are free of undisclosed safety hazards (ex: blocked fire exits, risks of electric shock, rat poison). Hosts must remedy any safety hazards if they are raised by a guest or Airbnb.
  • Arbitrage: Using a 3rd party to book a hotel or 3rd party accommodation and listing it on Airbnb at an inflated rate, is not allowed. Hosts must adhere to specific rules for timeshares or similar accommodation types when considering whether or not to list on Airbnb.
  • Animal exploitation: Stays or Experiences that exploit animals have no place in our community (ex: roadside zoos, trophy hunting experiences). Hosts must meet Airbnb’s guidelines for animal welfare.

Learn more about ground rules for Hosts.

We're here to help

If you witness or experience behavior that goes against our policies, please let us know.

While these guidelines don’t cover every possible scenario, they’re designed to offer general guidance on Airbnb’s community policies.



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